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Ban & Unban

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 Ban & Unban Empty Ban & Unban

Postaj by *C.I.A*::.::HULK::.::* sri pro 24, 2014 12:59 am

Kako postaviti zahtjev za unban / How to make unban request
1.Otvoriti novu temu
2.Za naslov teme unijeti: Unban - Vas nick
3.Popuniti formular sa sledećim podacima :

Formular Unban zahtev:
1. Nick:
2. SteamID:
3: IP
4 Screenshoot (SS) u originalnom formatu : Link preko kojeg mozete UPLOAD SS : ili
5. DEMO : Link preko kojeg mozete UPLOAD Demo :
6. Iznesi Misljenje :

Uđite na neki server i u konzolu kucate " status " (bez navodnika), pojavice vam se lista svih igrača na serveru; pored vaseg nicka imate SteamID koji trebate da kopirate, to izgleda ovako:

1. Open a new topic in the category Ban / Unban
2. To enter the title of the topic: Unban - you nick
3. Fill out the form with the following information:

Unban request form:
1. Nick:
2. SteamID:
3: IP
4 Screenshoot (SS) in the original format: link through which you can UPLOAD SS: or
5th DEMO: link through which you can upload demo:
6th express an opinion:

Come to a server in the console type in "status" (without quotes), you will appear a list of all players on the server; next to your nickname you have SteamID who need to copy, it looks like this:
STEAM_0: 0: 123123123

Screenshot can be found in the folder csstrike, on the partition where you installed Counter Strike. Name of the SS is the same as the name of the folder where you banned, for example. Assault_upc.png
All who do not adhere to the methodology of setting unban requests and they do not do form as prescribed, will not get unban and their request will not be considered at all!

Broj postova : 12
Points : 33
Join date : 23.12.2014
Age : 27

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